Author name: tom

Moab plans

Planning is proceeding on our perennial pilgrimage to Moab, Utah.  There will not be an official event this year, but that won’t stop us from putting something together.  Moab is an incredible place, with outstanding MUni for riders of all levels, and amazing vistas.  It’s right by Arches and Canyonlands National Parks for those who […]

China Camp MUni

We had a great time in China Camp on another dreary Februrary day in the Bay Area. With special guests Nick (from El Lay) and Ryan (from Toronto), we had a big group, 11 riders, and we split up a bit, with Ryan and Steve doing two laps. Ryan finished his second lap in 57

Joaquin Miller MUni

It’s always good to get back to our home dirt.  The trails in Joaquin Miller were damp but the weather was fine; we had a good ride, only slightly inconvenienced by the fact that Bishop’s Walk was closed for goat-related activities. Full set of pics

China Camp MUni, 2011-09-05

Another great day Laboring on the trails, this time over in China Camp (one of the state parks threatened with closure due to insane ideologues).  We didn’t get the magical light we had in Joaquin Miller last week, but we had a very pleasant day for a ride, warm with a light breeze.  Both of

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