City of Rocks

Rockville always lives up to its literal name. The rocks were all a little pointier than usual, but the good thing about rocks is they don’t wash away, so most of the trails were still in great shape for riding. If you like rocks, which we do.

Doubling up

We’re just a couple weeks from Moab, so it’s time to test our recovery abilities. After yesterday’s epic, we had a mellow ride in Joaquin Miller with some of the kids from our youth program, including Zeke on his awesome 16″ uni. A few hikers joined us, and we ran into Yu up there, and George missing a wheel.

Here comes the sun

Some time for the trails to dry out gave us an opportunity to road trip up to Annadel, which, we were reminded, is a spectacularly beautiful park. And, one with some great riding; ups, downs, sweet singletrack, skinnies, rock gardens, boulders, natural trials, whatever you’re into. We had great fun with the crew that drove up, and Ashley came down from Lake County for a guest appearance.

All hail

Redirecting from Tamarancho on a day with unsettled weather, we got hail, rain, and sun with a beautiful double loop in Redwood and Joaquin Miller. We got hailed on in Redwood, almost as much as we got last year in Annadel, which was fun. The trails were definitely a bit more rideable, and we had

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