All hail

Redirecting from Tamarancho on a day with unsettled weather, we got hail, rain, and sun with a beautiful double loop in Redwood and Joaquin Miller. We got hailed on in Redwood, almost as much as we got last year in Annadel, which was fun. The trails were definitely a bit more rideable, and we had […]

Loving the East Bay

In a recurring theme this spring, we were scheduled to go to Annadel but the trails there are too messed up, so we headed back to Joaquin Miller, where things were beautiful as always. We picked up another Bay Area transplant, Emele, who does a lot of street and impressed us with huge hops. Always

Who needs the West Bay?

We had been scheduled to go to Camp Tamarancho, but the trails there close in the wet. So on a wet day in Oakland we headed over to Dimond and Joaquin Miller. This ride always sounds a lot easier than it winds up being. 17km and 380m of altitude delta; that’s not that much, right?

Just say no to Crack

We were scheduled to go down to Soquel Demo, but there are no roads left in Santa Cruz, so we headed out to Pacifica instead. There are also a couple of slidesĀ on the Planet of the Apes road, but the main trails were accessible. But man, those things are badly built. In some places water

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