Winter MUni

Another winter day in the Bay Area. Ricardo and I did one of the most epic MUni rides done in Oakland, starting down at Dimond Park, riding all the way up (with a lot of uphill challenges), doing some extra loops to try chutes at the meadow (extremely slippery because of leaf litter, lots of […]

Back to Joaquin Miller

On a gorgeous December day we were back in Joaquin Miller, showing around our new friend Pete, who’s ridden south from Seattle, unsupported, and is planning to go all the way to South America once his unicycle frame gets fixed. He came out on his first-ever MUni ride and kicked butt out there, riding an

Ice MUni at Rockville

On a chilly Sunday morning, Josh suggested we head up to Rockville Hills Park. For future reference, the fact that it’s hotter there in the summer doesn’t mean it’s hotter in the winter. We saw a lot of frost and some trail sections which were well frozen, even in the afternoon. Of course, it’s impossible

Basketball location change: Hearst Gym

Starting this Tuesday, the Cal Juggling Club has helped us obtain an indoor venue for basketball. We’ll be in the Hearst Gymnasium on the Cal campus, near the tennis courts on Bancroft Avenue. Enter from the side nearest the courts; if the folks at the desk ask you, tell them you’re with the Cal Juggling

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