east bay

East Bay Dirt Classic

I got wind of a brand new mountain/cross bike event, the East Bay Dirt Classic, sponsored by the Crocker 510 bike club. This was a pretty epic ride, with 25- and 45- mile versions. We got a group together to do the 25-mile version, which was no walk in the park, boasting over 3000′ of climbing, mostly on the steep fire roads of Redwood and Anthony Chabot parks. Me, Yu and Dragon joined up, and the two wheelers were suitably impressed.

Blue Monday

Chris and I had Monday off (Chris because it’s summer, me because consulting works that way), and were looking for a workout, so we headed out for an early morning ride on Diablo. We didn’t do the massive epic approach from Stone Mountain, instead choosing to park just below the Buckeye Trail singletrack. Even so,

East Bay JAM

We had a great time at the East Bay JAM. The weather was perfect for MUni, and we wound up doing two rides. In the morning we did a family ride with five riders, including a 9-year-old girl and her dad from Hawaii, and an afternoon ride with eight riders. Plus a bunch of people tried to learn to ride in the meadow. Fun times!

The latest newbie

We got to ride with Sarah this weekend, a newcomer to the Bay Area and a relative newcomer to MUni, although she’s a former national champion at urban (flatland) riding. We took her on one of our standard loops, hitting Big Trees, Chaparral, and heading down to the overlook, because, Oakland, baby. We also did some scouting for locations for the East Bay JAM, and found a great place for flatland and learn-to-uni lessons. June 16, see you there!

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