east bay

Family MUni #2

The second installment of our Family MUni series was a lot of fun. We got great MUni weather, and ran into probably 70 or 80 kids from the high school teams.

Family MUni

I’m planning to start up a regular “Family MUni” series: an occasional ride designed for kids and newer riders, paced so that parents or friends can hike along, and less strenuous and technical than our normal rides.


DAvid couldn’t make Sunday’s ride, but a bunch of us have flexible schedules these days, so we put together a Berkeley ride on Wednesday. It was good MUni weather, a little windy when we started out but once it calmed down it was beautiful. We climbed all the way up to get the views, and had a bunch of fun playing on the obstacles on the way down, with DAvid pushing us (well, at least Josh and Kevin) to try some really big stuff. 

Braking it in

I’ve been working on adding a brake to my 24″ (Pittsburgh), and Dragon and I took it out on its first big Joaquin Miller ride. It’s not totally dialed in but it’s definitely promising.

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