Author name: tom

Man on mountain unicycle, riding on elevated skinny log through redwood forest


It had been forever since we’d been to Soquel Demo Forest. Adrian was in town and Nick is now living in Santa Cruz, so we put together a quick group to go hit the longest continuous downhill trail in the Bay Area.

Woman riding mountain unicycle on steep red sandstone

Moab MUnifest 2022

Finally catching up on processing photos and stuff from our trip to Moab. Organized by our friend Noli, we had about 30 riders for three beautiful days in the desert. Locals included Adrian, Sarah, and Berkeley ex-pat Ashley. I haven’t been to Moab since something like 2017 and it was great to be back.

Mountain unicyclist rolling towards a large boulder with a drop off the end

Rockin’ the Gala Ride

BTCEB had their annual Gala Ride at Rockville, and a crew of us went up to show the colors. It was a gorgeous day, and BTCEB had probably 70 riders, but as usual, we didn’t actually see that many mountain bikers on the trails, because they don’t like the same kind of trails we do.

Mountain unicyclist cresting a small bump in a dirt pump track

Family MUni in Joaquin Miller

I’ll take any excuse to ride MUni. Last week it was an easy ride on the Oakland Pump Track and the Big Trees loop in Joaquin Miller, with Kostya, Campbell, Ricardo and me on uni, Vicente, Jeronimo, and Nikolay on bike, and Maria on foot. A good time was had by all.

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