Author name: tom

Street/Flat/Trials meetup

Well, COVID has really put a dent in our group rides, but California has just relaxed restrictions on socially distanced outdoor sports, which is perfect for a flatland, street and trials meetup. Sarah organized one for San Francisco’s newest park, Crane Cove, and it turned out to be a beautiful day for it.

Gala at Rockville

Bevan and I went up to Rockville to crash the BTCEB Gala Ride. There had been some rain overnight, but the morning was gorgeous, really perfect MUni weather. Conditions were pretty perfect, and we messed around in the quarry for a while as both of us got lines we hadn’t hit before.

Necropost from Fruita

Our friend Paco who we rode with in Fruita, CO last year put together a video of the trip and forwarded it on to us this week. It reminds us that Fruita is gorgeous riding. I need to stop whinging on lines so often, and for Dragon: Ouch.

Wheeling at Pedalfest

We showed up in force at Pedalfest again this year, running an all-day Learn to Ride workshop (got two new riders! And more to come), and having two sessions on the stage where we demonstrated various one-wheeled contraptions.

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