Author name: tom

View from top of hill at McClaren Park in San Francisco. The hill in the foreground is grassy; a San Francisco neighborhood is in the background. A unicycle is climbing the trail.

SF Crosstown Trail traversal

The San Francisco Crosstown Trail celebrated its second anniversary this weekend, and as far as we know, no one had yet ridden it on uni. Obviously something had to be done about that.

Exploring NOSC

Dragon and I have done some exploring of the North Oakland Sports Center. Last weekend Bevan and I went up to check it out, and found some new cool stuff on a hero dirt day. Not really a destination riding spot but a nice connector.

Mountain unicyclist riding a steep chute over a root


Group rides have been pretty much off for the COVID era, but things are getting better, and riding with one or two peeps seems OK, right? New semi-local Adrian came by and I got to show him around the Whipsnake trails a bit. It was beautiful, and we only got crap from two Berkeley busybodies.

Street/Flat/Trials meetup

Well, COVID has really put a dent in our group rides, but California has just relaxed restrictions on socially distanced outdoor sports, which is perfect for a flatland, street and trials meetup. Sarah organized one for San Francisco’s newest park, Crane Cove, and it turned out to be a beautiful day for it.

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