Exploring Skeggs

We’d heard a rumor (from Chris) that there were some good loops in El Corte de Madeira (Skeggs Point) on the Peninsula. The verdict on Skeggs is that there is some really fun technical stuff, and a lot of smooth singletrack.

Braking it in

I’ve been working on adding a brake to my 24″ (Pittsburgh), and Dragon and I took it out on its first big Joaquin Miller ride. It’s not totally dialed in but it’s definitely promising.

Epic ride, eh?

Several of our locals (Jim, Nathan, and Ned) participated in the epic Kluane Chilkat race in northern Canada and Alaska, a 150-mile, one-day cycling event, which they planned to do as a relay group of four. They turned out to be the only ones to finish the race.

A hot one in Soquel Demo

It was super-hot this weekend, so we decided to go to a place with “Forest” in the name. It was still pretty hot in Soquel Demo. Great two-sport day!

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