Bringing Josh to Endor

Shockingly, Josh had never been to Tamarancho with us. We finally rectified that oversight in early November. All three of us on the ride (Harrison being the other) were out of shape, and Tamarancho is a long ride if you’re out of shape, but it’s great riding, and there’s not anything quite like Endor (the […]

First-ever uni ride to Treasure Island

I can’t verify it, but I think it’s safe to assume that no one had ever ridden a unicycle to Treasure Island. The old Bay Bridge had no bike path, and while some intrepid cyclists had ridden there on the road, I’m pretty sure they all had at least two wheels. The new East Span has

Fifteen minutes of “fame”

We’re big in West Marin; this morning I got interviewed for the “Off-Center Sports” radio show by Steve Sarrafzadeh of KWMR (West Marin Radio). We talked about uni basketball, MUni, and other uni sports. I think they were pretty impressed, and there wasn’t a single clown or circus reference. Not sure whether they leave these


Chris invited us down to Psycho, and we had a good group flailing and tumbling all over the hill. Vicente came out on his first MUni event (he’s not riding…yet), and we had a pretty spectacular array of biffs. Josh nominated my fall off the Overpass (caused when the small branch I was holding on to

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