Final training ride

The BTCEB guys called off their ride, and of course when you call off the ride, it turns into beautiful riding weather.  With only a few droplets here and there, Ashley and I had another great training ride in Dimond and Joaquin Miller, finishing with fish tacos and beer at Brent’s place. We’re ready for […]

More MUni

Our next MUni ride is this Sunday, March 6; meet at my place at 9:30 AM for a Dimond Park/Joaquin Miller ride.  Mostly not super-technical, but a good amount of climbing and descending. Also, let me know if you’re interested in a quick ride on Saturday morning, I’ll be looking to get a bit of

China Camp this Saturday

This weekend’s ride: This Saturday, Feb 5, meet at my place at 9:30 for carpooling over to China Camp.  Those who might meet us over there, we’ll probably arrive around 10:30, and we’ll be starting at the Miwok Meadows trailhead (not the Back Ranch trailhead where we’ve sometimes started).  It’s near Chicken Coop Hill on

Rockville Hills MUni ride, Saturday January 8

We’re going to be crashing the BTCEB Gala Ride up at Rockville Hills Park in Fairfield.  Rockville Hills has some of the best MUni riding anywhere, and it’s always fun to ride a bunch of stuff that most of the bikers are too scared to try. The ride starts at 9:30 on Saturday; meet at

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