marin county

Choose Your Own Adventure MUni at China Camp

Dragon, Chris and I went over to China Camp for what’s usually mostly a fitness ride. But we went all the way up to the missile platforms, where Dragon won Best Biff (he’d already won First Blood) but also nailed a really gnarly chute (with spectators!) Then for various reasons we all wound up taking different routes down.

China Camp on the Lunar New Year

I hadn’t planned it this way, but we were scheduled to ride in China Camp on the day of the Lunar New Year. It provided a good reminder that China Camp isn’t just a name; the place itself is one result of America’s long history of racial segregation and exclusion. We should not forget. We had

Pretending to train

In our final (and almost only) training ride for MUni Weekend, we headed out to Tamarancho for the full loop. That ride is always more tiring than you’d think it should be; it’s long, it’s all up and down, and it’s always a bit more technical than you remember it as. And, I suppose, now

Ready or not

The end of our training series has arrived; one last trip to Tamarancho, one last climb up Iron Springs, one last blast through the Boneyard, and one last race down Endor. Followed, unfortunately, by one more climb back over the last ridge, which is easy to forget to remember until you have to do it.

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