Author name: tom

Choose Your Own Adventure MUni at China Camp

Dragon, Chris and I went over to China Camp for what’s usually mostly a fitness ride. But we went all the way up to the missile platforms, where Dragon won Best Biff (he’d already won First Blood) but also nailed a really gnarly chute (with spectators!) Then for various reasons we all wound up taking different routes down.

California MUni Weekend training series

California MUni Weekend is up in Bishop this year (September 17-20) and it includes a climb to White Mountain Peak (14,252′) so it’s time to get training. I’ll be running a training series with rides every weekend until then.

Mountain unicyclist near the top of rocky, dry section of trail.

Two-sporter at Napa Skyline

We got a beautiful weekend up in Napa at Skyline Wilderness Park, pretty perfect temps for summer in the wine country. As the world has re-opened, the trails have gotten less busy, so we had plenty of space to mess around in the rock gardens and such.

View from top of hill at McClaren Park in San Francisco. The hill in the foreground is grassy; a San Francisco neighborhood is in the background. A unicycle is climbing the trail.

SF Crosstown Trail traversal

The San Francisco Crosstown Trail celebrated its second anniversary this weekend, and as far as we know, no one had yet ridden it on uni. Obviously something had to be done about that.

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